The Vendor Testing Site (VTS) is a web-based application used by vendors that supply data extracts for the NYS Student Information Repository System (SIRS). This system mimics the Level 0 application, which is used by LEA’s in NYS as a means to provide quality data to SIRS. The Department expects student management system (SMS) and financial/HR vendors to test their extracts using the VTS.

Part I: Vendor Company Information
Existing Vendor Pre-Check:
Has your Parent Company/Organization already registered a product? Select your Parent Company if it is found in the Existing VTS Vendor List below. If you do not see your Parent Company and want to register it select "My Vendor Company Not Listed":
Existing VTS Vendor List:
* denotes a required field
Mouse Over 'View Desc' button to see associated vendor contact description or click 'View Desc' button to display entire contact descriptions document.
Vendor Company Information  
*Vendor Company Name
*Vendor Company Address
*Company Primary Contact Name
*Company Primary Contact (Title)
*Company Primary Contact Phone Number (999 999-9999)
*Company Primary Contact Email
Company Additional Contact Name
Company Additional Contact (Title)
Company Additional Contact Phone Number (999 999-9999)
Company Additional Contact Email
Part II: Vendor Product(s) Information
Existing Product Pre-Check:
Has your Product already been registered? If you do not see your Product and want to register it select "My Product Not Listed":
Registered Products:
Note: Questions or concerns should be sent to
* denotes a required field
Mouse Over 'View Desc' button to see associated product contact description or click 'View Desc' button to display entire contact descriptions document.
Product Information  
*Product Name
*Product Type
*Current Release Number
*Release Date (Month/Day/Year)
*Estimated Number of NYS Public School Districts Supported
*Estimated Number of NYS Non-Public School Districts Supported
*Estimated Number of NYS BOCES Supported
*Estimated Number of NYS Charter Schools Supported
*Product Primary Contact Name
*Product Primary Contact (Title)
*Product Primary Contact Phone Number (999 999-9999)
*Product Primary Contact Email
Product Additional Contact Name
Product Additional Contact (Title)
Product Additional Contact Phone Number (999 999-9999)
Product Additional Contact Email
During the testing process you will be expected to provide data for any templates that your product supports.
NYSED SIRS Templates Supported For This ProductSupporting?
Assessment Acc Mod Fact
Assessment Fact
Behavioral Intervention (Student Restraint)
Course Instructor Assignment
Day Calendar
Location Marking Period
Partner Project Fact
Programs Fact
School Entry Exit
Special Education Events
Special Education Snapshot
Staff Assignment
Staff Attendance
Staff Attendance Codes
Staff Evaluation Rating
Staff Snapshot
Staff Student Course
Staff Tenure Snapshot
Student Attendance Codes
Student Class Entry Exit
Student Class Grade Detail
Student Credit GPA (Req. for PTech, Smart Scholars & Smart Transfers)
Student Daily Attendance
Student Digital Resources
Student Lite